Manage Employees - Demographics Tab
This tab allows users to manage employee personal information such as contact information, hire dates, and employment status.
- The Employee # field will automatically populate.
- Enter the employee’s Last Name and First Name in their respective fields.
- The Middle Name and Suffix are optional.
- Enter the employee’s social security number in the SSN field. NOTE: An alert will display if the entered SSN is already assigned to an existing employee.
- Select Male or Female from the Gender drop-down list.
- Enter or select the employee’s date of birth using the Calendar feature in the Birth Date field. NOTE: The employee’s Birth Date must be prior to today’s date.
- Select the employee’s primary site (where they usually report for work) from the Primary Site drop-down list. This is used for filtering on the Manage Employees screen.
- The State ID field is read-only.
- Select the employee’s country from the Country drop-down list. This determines the labels for the Address fields.
- Enter the employee’s address in the respective address Address fields.
- Enter the employee’s email address in the Email field.
- Enter a phone number in the Phone Number field.
- Select an option from the Highest Degree Earned drop-down list. NOTE: Selections in the Highest Degree Earned drop-down list are predetermined based on the user’s state.
- Select the employee's status from the Status drop-down list.
- If Terminated is selected, additional selections for the Termination Date and Termination Reason will display.
A warning message will display if the Termination Date is before the End Date on any of their jobs.
Select the date the employee started working in this school district from the Hire Date with the Calendar feature.
Select the date the employee began working with the state from the State Hire Date with the Calendar feature.
Select the date the employee was originally hired using the Calendar feature in the Previous Hire Date field.
Check one or more selections from the Ethnicity list. At least one is required.
- Click the icon to view of all changes made to an employee on all tabs.
- Click the button.
©2021 | EMS LINQ, Inc.
School LINQ Help, updated 01/2021